Providing your consent for Rolfe Benson to be your authorized representative with the CRA
To better help you manage your tax accounts with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), please authorize Rolfe Benson as an authorized representative.
The quickest way to grant us authorization is to identify Rolfe Benson as your authorized representative through My Business Account.
What steps do you need to take? Please follow the points outlined below
My Business Account
- Confirm you have a ‘My Business Account’ set up; if not, you will have to register for this first.
- Ensure email notification have been enabled.
- You will need to add your business number to your account. You will only be allowed to do this if your name and social insurance number matches the information the CRA has.
Authorize Rolfe Benson as my representative
To authorize Rolfe Benson as your representative, log into your ‘My Business Account’ and complete the following steps:
- Click on Profile
- Scroll to ‘Authorized representatives’ and click on ‘Manage authorized representatives’.
- Next, click on ‘Manage authorized representatives’.
- Enter Rolfe Benson’s business number (121684690) in the space provided and click ‘Next’ to save.
- On the next screen, complete the following steps (as seen in the image below):
- Select level of authorization as ‘Update and view (level 2)’.
- Select accounts authorized for access as ‘All accounts’.
- Click ‘Next’ to save changes.
Enable Notifications
To enable email notifications from the CRA, log into your ‘My Business Account’ and complete the following steps:
- Click on ‘Profile’.
- Scroll to ‘Notification preferences’ and click on ‘Manage notification preferences’.
- Click on ‘Add email address’.
- Complete the following steps:
- Enter ‘New email address’.
- Choose ‘Select all program account’.
- Click ‘Next’ to save changes.
- On the next screen, complete the following:
- Review the information and selections to ensure they are accurate.
- Review the ‘Terms of use’.
- Select that you have ‘read and agree to the terms of use’.
- Click ‘submit’.
- Email notification should now be enabled.